Play Outside With Friends Summer is knock, knock, knocking at the door, and it’s about time for kids to answer it’s call with boundless enthusiasm. As the days stretch longer and the air gets warmer, it’s important to spend a portion of our time each day in the great outdoors. It’s a world where […]
Stay Hydrated ***A brand new, audio podcast version of this blog post is now available on Spotify!! Visit to listen.*** With summer just around the corner, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the beaming sun and rising temperatures. As the thermometer climbs, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize hydration to keep our bodies cool […]
Limit Screen Time ***A brand new, audio podcast version of this blog post is now available on Spotify!! Visit to listen.*** In the digital era we live in, screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s our smartphones, tablets, computers, or televisions, we find ourselves constantly drawn to their glowing […]
Finishing the School Year Strong! ***A brand new, audio podcast version of this blog post is now available on Spotify!! Visit to listen.*** The school year is drawing to a close, and it has surely been full of lots of grit and hard work. With the end in sight, it’s important to tap into your […]
Never Give Up! ***A brand new, audio podcast version of this blog post is now available on Spotify!! Visit to listen.*** As kids grow up, they learn how to start setting goals for themselves. Whether it’s achieving good grades in school, winning a sports competition, or learning a new skill, staying determined to […]
Determination and Confidence **A brand new, audio podcast version of this post is now available on Spotify! Visit to listen. Similar to determination, confidence is often considered one of the keys to success, and for good reason! When it comes to determination and reaching goals, confidence can save you from giving up, and […]
Determined for Success A brand new, audio podcast version of this blog is now available on Spotify! Visit: to listen, and check out all of our other recorded episodes on our Spotify page. Determination is the key to success, and is one of the most important traits that parents can help their kids […]
Staying Positive in any Situation An audio podcast version of this blog post is also available for your listening! Visit: Learning to stay positive is an important life skill for everyone, but our young ones may not be masters at managing emotions just yet. However, with the help and support from their […]
Doing Things that Make Others Happy To listen to our BRAND NEW audio Podcast version of this post, visit: Teaching our children to do things that make others happy is an important lesson for them to learn. As parents, we want our kids to develop into happy, successful individuals who contribute positively […]
Doing Things that Make You Happy When times inevitably get rough, one of the best tools we have to stay optimistic and deal with stress is doing things that make you happy. In life, we may not be able to control the events that happen, but we can always control how we react and […]